We want to thank everyone who was a part of our Panel Discussion yesterday, each and everyone of you was the reason for how successful and informative the discussion was.

To more Panel Discussions in the future.

Last week was a fruitful week for Footprint, we had another successful delivery that we wanted to share with you

We facilitated our “Delegation and Empowerment” workshop to a group of managers from IGI Holding we are always happy to be part of their people development plan🤩

To start your learning and development journey NOW, contact us 💬

Last week we had a great opportunity with a mixed groups from AMAN Holding where we facilitated two of our favorite workshops “Art of Relationships” and “Negotiation Skills”.
As usual we enjoyed each and every moment facilitating to the amazing people there.

To start your one of a kind learning journey, contact us NOW 💬

This week we had the opportunity to facilitate three different modules to a group of more that 30 students and fresh graduates as part of Summer Internship for Suez Cement – HeidelbergCement Group 🤩
We facilitated our “Communication in Business Environment”, “Personal Branding” and “Presentation Skills” workshops.
The facilitation was energetic and fun, having a role in the development of new generation was such an amazing experience.

Looking forward for more cooperation with Suez Cement – HeidelbergCement Group 🤩

To start your learning and development journey NOW, contact us 💬

Honorably and delightfully we announce our new milestone: a Corporate agreement with AMAN for E-Payments subsidiary of Raya Holding for Financial Investments to cover all soft skills needs of this amazing team. We started this journey with our famous “Art of Relationships”(Communication) Workshop last week facilitated to a team from different departments.
And as usual we will keep sharing our important milestones with our partners in success.