Stakeholder Analysis is the technique used to identify the key people who have to be won over. Identifying stakeholders in your own project can seem like an easy task to some and other find it almost impossible.  Yet the core to any successful project is managing people and how they engage with your project. 

In this simulation, the objective is to learn and practice how to allocate them on the influence -interest matrix, how to deal with them in different situations based on their impact on the project in that particular time.

 what you will learn:

  • Recognize how stakeholders impact your project.
  • Differentiate on how to deal with multiple stakeholders with divergent interests.
  • Identify the need to align your strategy with the project team, the customer, and other project stakeholders.
  • Resolve conflict and competing priorities.
  • Highlight signs and symptoms of potential pitfalls in projects.
  • Contain expectations through effective status reporting and progress meetings.